Modernising, improving sustainability and improving access. Good reasons to choose to renovate a roof terrace or walkway.
Renovating a rooftop terrace
Rooftop terraces that have been in existence for several years can often do with an upgrade. Slabs have shifted apart, the terrace is not level or it is simply not compatible with contemporary trends anymore.

Renovating walkways
Improving access is a good reason to renovate walkways. Outdated walkways in blocks of flats often have high door steps or worn elevation systems. This is dangerous for their residents, who are often in an older age bracket, and a solution must be found.
Short installation time
When renovating, it is important that the installation time is short and that there is as little inconvenience as possible for residents. Zoontjens’ systems make that possible. Our systems are modular. They enable the work to be carried out in phases so that some part of the roof or walkway remains accessible at all times. And people can immediately walk on the renovated walkway or roof terrace again. When carrying out renovation projects, we take the load-bearing capacity of the existing structure into account. Lightweight roof slab systems are suitable for use in many existing situations. We look for a suitable solution for every renovation.