
Charging station on the roof? No problem!

Today, next month or next year. At some point, you will switch to an electric car. The UK government has decided in its Decarbonising Transport plan that by 2040 only emission-free vehicles will be sold. To be able to meet the demands of the charging infrastructure, the network of charging stations needs to be expanded quickly and smartly. But where?

As well as for private cars, the logistic sector will also be increasingly electrifying its vehicle fleet. Rapid growth in electric buses, delivery vans, trucks, inland shipping vessels and other forms of electric transport is expected. Around 80 percent of the charging demand for electric delivery vans and trucks will be met on industrial estates.

Ever growing demand
Today, when parking spaces are built, charging stations are a fixed element of the design. More and more shops are installing (free) charging stations for electric cars. At office buildings, charging stations are more the rule than the exception. And on industrial estates, too, charging stations are a must-have.

Installation of charging stations
The installation of a charging station or (smart) charging zones is no simple task. The most important element is of course the electricity grid; it must be suitable (or made suitable) and the power supply must be connected. Finding a space for all the infrastructure demands drilling and digging. But what about the installation of charging stations on rooftop carparks?

Simple rooftop integration
On rooftop carparks, charging stations are easy to integrate. The flexibility of a modular system that offers space beneath the slabs makes it possible to install the power cables between the insulation layer and the slab covering. On a rooftop parking system from Zoontjens, the space between the bottom of the slab and the insulation is around 3 cm. That means that no structural alterations need to be made to the roof. It is of course important that the power cables be laid in the direction of the slope. The charging stations themselves are simply mounted on the slabs.

Growth to match the vehicle fleet
Because the Pardak® rooftop parking system is removable, electrification is also possible on existing rooftop carparks. Charging stations can simply be added at any time, or the number of charging stations expanded, as necessary. In this way, the rooftop carpark grows to match the vehicle fleet, and you retain the flexibility to meet the demands of tomorrow, as efficiently as possible.


We offer a range of accessories to make your rooftop carpark as complete and as safe as possible.

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+31 6 51 99 18 22