The world is twice as big up a height. There is a world directly over our heads that we are helping to design and construct perfectly with our systems for rooftop paving. We never cease to think about the opportunities offered by this virgin territory. We find ourselves on higher ground every day. There’s no limit to the opportunities that you can find up there.
We aim for an optimum design and implementation of a system that simply has to work. The roof slab system should be taken into consideration when the roof is being designed. We’ve been doing that for decades. Over the years, we have come up with and implemented nearly all possible solutions at some time. It’s no surprise that we are a global player with our rooftop paving. And we’ll continue to be so.

Rooftop vision
We talk to various parties every day. We work with them, listen to them and advise them. That’s why we’re the number one party with the best rooftop vision. The party with the overall perspective. That enables us to take everything into account. We start thinking about future maintenance as early as the design stage. We reflect and think far ahead. We set the bar at a height others can only dream of.
“The design for the courtyard needed to fulfil a number of conditions: sustainable materials, a flat finish and an attractive look and feel. In addition, it was important for the target group that rainwater would drain away properly without a sloping surface, so that everyone could keep their feet dry and wouldn’t slip and fall in winter. Zoontjens’ slabs enabled all of this. And since they came in a wide range of colours, sizes and designs, we opted for this company from Tilburg, the Netherlands.”