With the start of the new year, some changes are being made to our range. We are introducing new colours, replacing some existing ones, and adjusting certain formats. Below, you’ll find a detailed overview of the changes.
A new comfort colour has been added: Greige.
A new colour has been added: Greige.
- Trust Titanium 60×60 has been discontinued and replaced by Brave Coke 60×60. This new colour offers the same look and feel and is available from stock.
- The 90×90 format of Dreen®Ceramica has been removed and replaced by the 80×80 format in the same colours (Concrete Look colour chart).
- The Wood Look colour chart is back, now featuring two new colours in 120×60: Log Icon Oak and Log Bright Oak. Both have the characteristic wood texture. The Wood Look colour Golden Kortex 90×45, which was already in our range, has also been added to this chart (it remains on the 90×45 colour chart as well).
The texture colour Belgian Blue in 6 cm thickness has been discontinued
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