
Shopping centre

Problems were found on the roof and in the building under the rooftop car park of the former V&D shop in Hilversum. Kroonenberg Groep decided to renew the entire rooftop car park prior to the new tenant's arrival. The Zoontjens Pardak®110 system has now restored the rooftop car park's function and also provides better roof insulation.

This former V&D branch (from 1973) – next to the Hilvertshof shopping centre – is located some 9 metres above street level. The rooftop car park is some 2,200 m2 in size and can accommodate 80 cars. When the premises were built, the roof was not designated for parking and it was not until the 1978 renovation that the roof was turned into a rooftop car park. However, it was clear that this roof had now reached the end of its service life.

In order to make the premises suitable for a new tenant, Kroonenberg Groep decided to give the rooftop car park a serious makeover. Rob Scholtz, Head of Technical Management with the Kroonenberg Groep: 'We had two options: either line the roof with the existing system again, or use a Pardak® solution, with slabs. Pardak® was chosen.'

The work was tendered out to the Boko Dakdekkers roofing company, which then contracted Zoontjens and its Pardak® system to achieve a rooftop car park of a technically good state.