In the Pijlsweerd district of Utrecht, the Netherlands, you can find a large residential complex on the corner of Kaatstraat/Oudenoord. Here businesses occupy the ground floor under the four residential floors and the rooftop terraces and walkways have been refurbished to give them a new look and, above all, to make them safe again.
The walkways and rooftop terraces were in a dire state and in need of renovation. The existing paved surface was far from stable, leading to some dangerous situations. As a consequence, the outdoor areas could not be used for their intended purpose.

The Bébouw Midreth building company was tasked with this job and hired Zoontjens. Gaston van der Heijden, Account Manager: “A construction of loose slabs on XPS tends to lead to problems. Due to the weight that they are subjected to, the slabs will quickly slide out of position. That's what you could see here as well: slabs were askew and there were gaps between them. All very tricky. We advised that the Dreen® slab system should be used for the refurbishment. This features slabs secured in a ‘comfix’ making it impossible for them to move. And it also protects the underlying insulation.”
The renovation was carried out in phases. This enabled the residents to continue to use part of their walkways and/or outdoor space, and it added some logistical advantages given the total surface of about 750 square metres, where there was not sufficient space to unload all the materials at once.

It was decided that the terraces’ existing colour pattern of grey and cinnamon should be restored. Now, after the refurbishment, the walkways and rooftop terraces look like new again and are safe to walk on. The residents make grateful use of this, they thoroughly enjoy this extra living space and they have decorated the outdoor areas with plants and lounge furniture to their liking.