

June 6, 2023 Free specialist online CPD event

Inspiration and advice from the Living Roof Experts.
Zoontjens has joined up with four other industry partners Bridgman and Bridgman, Optigrun UK Ltd, Green-tech ltd and Vestre, to provide a free online specialist CPD event on the eve of the World Green Roof Day on the 6th June 2023.

An exciting and informative day of live presentations, starting from the roof deck all the way through to the completion of a successful project. The day has been designed to look at every aspect of creating a stunning and vibrant living roof. Giving you unprecedented access to some of the UK’s leading Living Roof Experts, allowing them to inspire you with the future of sustainable living roofscapes.

Register for this online event together with our partners. We hope to see you there on June 6!